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Day 11.

Dear Corona.

I was saying to you in the last letter about how my hearing is getting better for some reason. [letters that I think you aren’t reading by the way] That’s nothing new for me, sure no one listens to me most of the time.

Anyway, back to what I was saying, I seem to hear everything now, I can swear I’d hear a pin drop, it's not helping my sensitivity issues though.

Speaking of which, myself and himself nearly had words over the porridge this morning. You couldn’t make it up. He was heating his for ages and I said…nice and calmly as I always do ... “2 minutes is enough” .

And then he said in is quiet calm voice.. “I didn’t need to tell him how to heat his porridge” and then I said…….ohh I said nothing, I just fixed my face a certain way.

And then I laughed smugly when I saw him nearly burn the mouth off himself.

Corona!!!!! you are bringing out all sorts of sides to me that I had never knew I had. The fact that I laughed at himself in pain is worrying me. I always saw myself as a kind caring and perfect individual, now I’m back to doubting myself, [it was kind of funny though, you have to admit.]

I had a lovely dream last night about a story called Heidi. You mightn’t know her but when I was a child, I wanted to be her. She lived in the hills in Switzerland where the air was pure, and the skies were blue. I so wanted to live there because it looked just perfect.

Wait a minute…. maybe I’m getting my wish. Today the air is clear and the skies…. they are so blue and the birds, they are singing from the roof tops. So, a tiny little thank you is in order Corona for allowing the world to take a break and for helping me to get to know myself all over again.

Bit scary what I’ll discover next, but I’ll plod on. Not a lot else to do for now.

Having toast for breakfast tomorrow by the way. !!



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