bernie kirwan

Finding extraordinary in the ordinary

the story of my life
HI, Bernie here, welcome to my life. I'm a sister,wife,mother,friend,nurse,serial slimmer, breast cancer survivor, post menopausal lover of life. As I approach the ripe young age of 58 and a bit I realise that I've learned alot along the way but I sure have alot to learn still. Sure it's the story of my life,
There were times when I thought I had it all worked out and then some other challenge or event would come along just to test me so I'd have to press the restart button and learn all over again.
I've worked as a nurse in various roles. As a midwife I delivered many little babies into the world and as a hospice nurse I held the hands of many as they passed into the next . I had many other roles in between, each one a privelage and a huge learning experience. By the way I salute all nurses.
Anyway back to the present 58 year old me. Today I have accepted that I am going to be a permanent student of life and that's actually okay. In fact it's exciting at times. The difference this time is I'm going to share it in my very own blog. , I've always liked writing and lately I'm doing it more often. I seem to see a story in every moment of every day. I see moments behind the moments and I truly love finding the most extrordinary experiences in the most ordinary everyday events. It really is in the ordinary that the magic happens, we just need to see, and try to be aware them.
So, as I continue to loose and find myself again and again,I'll share it with you here. I hope, when I appear a bit lost someday you might find me in my little blog world.
If you do; say "Hello Bernie is it yourself" and I'll say "phew yep it's me allright" and I'll be so relieved because I'll have been trying to find me and your simple ordinary connection will bring me right back into myself . [Am I making sense I wonder!]
And if you are trying to find yourself you might just be able to say "hello me" to yourself because of something I'll say . Can you see where I'm going with this?.
It's about making connections , mutual sharing ,total honesty and having fun. I'ts about finding the extraordinary that is happening in the most ordinary moments and that's where the real magic is .
Finally, I've just had a thought. I wonder if my 18 year old me or even the 28year old me met the 58 year old me how would that evolve.!
And that my friends is the story of my life
my book
A Peaceful Mind was published by me in 2008 and was inspired by my own experience with breast cancer in 2000. It's longer in print but I wanted to mention it anyway.It maybe available in local libraries and have a very limited few. I will share in my blog from time to time excerpts from the book and many tools and techniques I used to help in my recovery.
ISBNcode 1-906018-38-3
By the way I have seen it in charity shops occassionaly.!!.
Dark Ocean