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Moving Forward.

Life never stops challenging me and I never stop learning. Sometimes I get a bit sick of being challenged, and I wallow for awhile but something inside knows that's not good so I dust myself off and give myself a shake and move forward. The dusting off bit takes work and alot of self talk but there really is no other way.

If you have been hurt it really is important to acknowledge and own it, allow it space to be with you. Talk about it to a trusted friend, write it down, perform a ritual of letting it go. Do this as often as you need to. By doing this it will lessen its hold over you and you will be amazed how strong you will become. The it maybe a place, a person, or an incident, whatever it is for you personally, don't be afraid to name it.

Sometimes you may think that if you ignore it it will just go away ...believe me it won't. It will catch you when you least expect and the more you push it down the bigger it will become. However if you allow it in each time it rises its head it will lessen a bit and won't hurt as much. .

Then the next thing to do is practice moving forward, continue to acknowledge and own your hurt but start to create life around it so you don't get stuck! As you do the hurt will remain but the life around it will get bigger so the hurt will become a smaller part of you. The same applies to the grief process. the grief remains but the life around it gets bigger. I love the image of the 3 jars. The small one shows the grief filling the whole jar, ie your life, then as your life evolves the grief remains but becomes a smaller part of you.,

Open your heart to new beginnings, say yes to life , create a daily affirmation and wish and surround yourself with people who love and care for you.

Remind yourself of all the good in your life and believe me we all have something to be grateful for. Get involved in your local community and see what's out there.See that there are so many unexplored adventures waiting for you. You owe it to yourself to find them. Don't waste your life worrying about what other people think. We were all born to live life as best we can and we deserve to savor each moment .

Go on give it a go , You will become a force to be reckoned with and dare anyone try to hurt you again. . You see the best way to move forward is to go inwards and tap into your own power house of strength. I'm practicing what I preach as I surrender and trust in the bigger picture that is evolving for me. Watch this space.

Bernie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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