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Looking at life from the eye of my soul.

I recently asked a few friends to suggest ideas for a blog beacuse I've gone a bit lazy. Here's some of what came back to me. There's a few more that I will write about seperately. I decided I would put these together in one piece. And then I let that settle for a few days and I wondered what I would say...and I wondered again as I have a tendency to do!!

Life is what you make it.

What makes you truly happy.


Happy days

Seperation anxiety for Bibi!!

I swear to God this wondering is never wasted because today I woke up with a voice in my head sayng Look at life from the eye of my soul and it will be easy to write. I love to wonder and ponder and wait, you see!. When we are looking for answers we search and search everywhere, we drive ourselves mad finding solutions to problems when all the time we have the answers within ourselves.

Looking in at my life from the eye of my soul brings me back to who I am, it makes me look at myself with compassion and love. It makes me forgive my failings and my faults. it makes me accept who I am , whether I'm big or small, fat or thin.Who I am is not all about being physically perfect, in fact its only a small part of it. Of course we all like to look well but looking at myself from the eye of my soul helps me to look past my wobbly bits and stretch marks and accept they are part of the whole entire me.

It helps me to go gently as I walk life's path. To look at my feelings and thoughts, my anger, my sadness, my joy, my happiness, my tears, my emotional me. It helps me to look at all of these emotions, to allow them be there as I acknowledge them and ask myself why. Doing so allows me to sit with, and be at ease with whatever is going on inside my head.

Doing so makes me stronger in the face of adversity, makes me stand tall no matter what life throws at me because by looking inwards I remind myself of the tower of strength I have to draw on. How lucky I am to know it's there but I have to keep reminding myself of it and thats ok.

Looking at life through the eye of my soul teaches me so much. It really does help me to know what makes me truly happy, that life is what I make it, That acceptance is something we learn by constantly looking inwards. The answers to all of these really do lie withn us.

Of course money and wealth are great and I won't refuse a win on the lotto. But as I ask myself today what truly makes me happy I know my answers are quite simple ones. As I find what does I will plan to do more of it over and over again. . . and to the seperation anxiety from Bibi my dog , yes indeed it can be very real . Dogs are very much a part of what makes me happy. family and friends too and the simplest of pleasures that I am reminded of as I write this.

Looking at others from the eye of my soul helps me to see them with compassion and love. its not alwys easy but what I wish for myself I try to wish for others. Looking at others from the eye of my soul I see so I remind myself these are not mine to carry, but I do recognise them and above all protect myself from what does not serve me well.

Looking at others from the eye of my soul I see so much goodness in the world, I remind myself that goodness , love and all that is important will prevail. I will focus on the good and live the day as best I can.

Finally, from my soul to yours I send you a big fat hug.xxxxxxxxx Bernie

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